t 01606 853196

e info@thehollybush.net

The Pub

A full range of beers and spirits complement the fine wine selections. Traditional cask beers are served with Tetley cask always on tap, and guest cask beers to include such names as Marston's Pedigree, Adnams Broadside, Bombadier, Greene King Abbott to name but a few. If cask ale isn't to your palette, we also have Tetley's Smooth and choice of Lagers.

Cask ales at the Holly Bush Inn cheshire


Beer Garden and Children's play area with Bouncy Castle (subject to weather).

Quiz Night every Sunday at 9:15 p.m.

Opening times from 4th July 2020

Mon-Fri 12:00 - 3:00 and 5:00 - 11:00
Sat-Sun 12:00 - 11:00
Tap Room The Holly Bush Little Leigh Cheshire
The Bar at The Holly Bush Inn Little Leigh Cheshire
The Holly Bush Inn Little Leigh Northwich